What's new in iTicket Apps - September #2 24-09-24

Point-of-Sale, POS 328

This release focuses on improving existing features such as campaigns, card payments, mobile POS, and Proof of Values. We've also made advancements in our internal test environments to expedite customer support and debugging for urgent matters.

Feature improvements:

  • The campaign list in the POS will now only show campaigns that are valid for the product at that specific time and date, rather than graying out campaigns that are valid for the product, but invalid due to date limitations. (ID: 42278)
  • We have added support for Adyen's mPOS devices (Castle devices) into our release pipelines, meaning they now follow our regular cycles of development and versioning to stay up to date. (ID: 42314)
  • We have removed the redundant button "Restart device" under Advanced Settings. (ID: 40932)
  • We have increased the cooldown to initiate a new card payment during checkout. This was made to prevent the POS from sending payment details to the terminal without the terminal being ready to receive it, which caused a stand still. (ID: 41388)
  • It is now possible to revert a payment from the POS if i.e. internet connection to the POS or the terminal would be lost during a payment. (ID: 41640)
  • The campaign and discount name displayed in the POS is now sourced from the 'Name' under the 'Description' field in the portal, rather than the general 'Campaign Name' in the portal. (ID: 42034)

Bug Fixes

Resolved an issue where:

  • Scanning a QR code in the POS that was printed from an external source, i.e. a self service kiosk using our API's, would sometimes show extra unwanted/confusing information rather than just showing the specific information of the article that was printed. (ID: 42386)
  • An overbook warning (orange triangle) would show in the cart when redeeming a product from a voucher or season pass. (ID: 40209)
  • In rare cases, it was possible for orders to be created without registering any payments. (ID: 41640)