What's new in iticket - April 03-04-24
Portal updates
- Voucher & Season pass has a new design, that matches the order view.
- Locations & Roues has a new design.
- Price group restrictions has been moved inside each Price group.
- Booking flow - new pickers for Article restrictions.
- Booking flow - Restricting Price group code to only the once picked to the product.
- Calendar - New design for the agenda view.
- Calendar - Added information about overbooking, departed and closed slots.
- Manifest - Added complementry information for each participant in booking
- Order view - Proof of values moved to it's own section
- Order view - Proof of values has a new import and export function
- Order view - Proof of values added identifier information in edit mode
Fixed a bug where:
- The complementary info was correctly transferred to the portal, but not visible in the order view.
- Bluetooth devices sometimes showed “unknown” as names instead of their friendly name.
- The status of a season pass in the order view did not update after revoking it.
- Doing undo pickup on an article still showed the article as picked up in the order view.
- Auto Check-in/pick-up: Articles were auto picked up and checked in even if they were for another date.
iTicket Core / Ticketing
- On booking flow products for transportation products, we are now displaying the name of the vehicle when booking online or using the API.
- The html field to update and edit ticket templates is now wider, which makes this field much easier to use.
- It is now possible to export season passes with or without a filter applied. A spinner that indicates generating of the report has been added as well.
- We did some improvements around our campaigns and fixed some bugs.
- We continued our work on Booking Flow products for transportation products. It is now possible to edit items after they have been put into the basket.
- We improved the season pass import API, added additional validation and return validation messages instead of generic error messages.
- On the order view, we now display the name of discounts used (instead of the discount code). You can now even click on the campaign name to get right to the campaign details.
- On the order view, it is now possible to click on applied vouchers, which brings you directly to the voucher details.
Personal Stock
- The personal stock report has been updated so that automatic closing without reconciling is displayed correctly on the report.
- We added two more reports: A personal stock deviation report per cashier and a report about picked-up articles per sales day.
- We fixed an issue where a pickup operation sometimes increased stock instead of reducing it.
- We fixed an issue where the updated name of an article did not appear correctly in the packing list.
- In some reports, personal stock that was not assigned to a person, resulted in an incorrect count of some articles. This issue is now fixed.
- The search field when transferring stock items from one stock to another is now working properly again.
Proof of Values & Documents
- In the new section "Proof of Values" on the order panel, it's now possible to export all created proof of values and to see their corresponding content.
- In the exported Proof of value file, it is possible to edit the name and add external identifiers for each Proof of Value. After importing the modified file, all Proof of Values will be updated accordingly.
- Under documents, it is possible to export all associated documents and proof of Values of an order.
Bug Fixes
- We fixed an issue where in certain cases iTicket did not display manifests.
- When setting up complements, the checkbox "Required" only was displayed for complement type "Other". Now this checkbox is visible for all complement types.
- We fixed an issue where revoked users couldn't be reactivated.
- We fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to remove ticketing rules from an existing check-in configuration
- It's now possible again to filter for a certain registry on the Registry Session panel.
- In some cases, a user got assigned multiple alias and pin codes. This is now fixed.
- We fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to save tour resources and add schedules.
- The following issues were fixed around Season Passes
- Season passes were sometimes displayed in English instead of Swedish.
- On the season pass panel, we solved an issue where we did not display the external card number complement when the season pass was imported.
- We also solved an issue where it wasn't possible to add a comment on imported season passes.
- On Season Passes, in some places the valid-until day was off by one day, which was due to an incorrect UTC conversion. This is now fixed.
Once delivered, POS Release Notes can be found on https://iticket.com/release-notes/apps.